Saturday, August 31, 2019

Character Developement

Major characters exponentially develop mentally and morally by interacting with minor characters, society, and applying the themes of the story to their lives. In Harper Lee's novel To Kill A Mockingbird the reader can see the protagonist of the story, Scout Finch, mature from her child like mentality and thoughts to become a strong feminine character with high morals. This is achieved through the characters and situations in her life that influence her to see reality, past her childhood mirage, for what it really is.The roles of people such as Attic's Finch, and other minor harassers, greatly influences how she views the topics of racism, prejudice, and stereotypes. Attic's' character embodies the word humanity for his actions towards changing the stereotypes and prejudice of the Macomb Community are inspiring and motivational. Macomb is evidently a community that cannot tolerate differences and discriminate people based on their appearances. Their hostility towards the â€Å"Negro es† shows the reader and the protagonist how racism can affect and change ones life.As the story progresses one can see the struggles and obstacles the protagonist faces when dealing with racism, from trying to protect her family name ND reputation, to protecting loved ones from judgmental people. Such situations and incidents cause the protagonist to be forced to see how one has to recognize the validity and value of lives unlike hers. To begin with, Scouts father Attic's Finch plays a major role in her moral development as a person due to his paternal relationship and influence on her.This can be seen through his parenting skills and techniques that help Scout be more open-minded unlike the other residents of Macomb County. For instance, when Scout says † Our battles were epic and always one sided. California always won, mainly because Attic's always took her side† (Lee 6). This quote not only proves that Attic's apathy towards Scaloppini's race reinforces their relationship, but It additionally fortifies the fact that scout learns that white and colored people are equals and no different from each other.In addition, Attic's' exemplary actions towards different circumstances in his life greatly impact how Scout views her own life and societies false preaching's on equality. Referring to the Tom Robinson case Scout questions Attic's on why he is defending a â€Å"Negro† in court and he responds y saying † If I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Gem not to do something again† (Lee 75).Although he acknowledges the fact that his family and him will be judged and ridiculed by his community for taking the case, he moves forward with the case because It's consciously the moral thing to do. Attic's' optimistic mind-set and ability to see the good qualities of the situation encourages Scout to be more forgiving and understanding of the negativ e atmosphere In the Macomb society. Pursue what she believes in no matter what the consequences are. Attic's later on tells Scout to â€Å"never kill a mockingbird† (Lee 273); the term is used as a metaphor to symbolize how you should never taint or kill the innocence of a person.The mockingbird refers to characters such as Tom Robinson and Arthur â€Å"Boo† Raddled, mockingbirds whose purity and innocence are polluted by racism, stereotypes, and rumors and are progressively â€Å"killed†. Scout learns that her perspective of life as being black and white are erroneous and that in certain situations, some things are best left unsaid, referring to one's opinions on people based on their appearance. Furthermore, minor characters found throughout the novel teach and help develop Scout's knowledge on good versus evil. Mrs†¦Double's commentary towards the children shows Scout how ignorance breeds ignorance. This is shown when Mrs†¦ Dubos holds up Gem and Sc out and says † Not only a Finch waiting on tables but one in the courthouse laming for naggers† (Lee 101). This quote characterizes Mrs†¦ Dubos as someone who strongly believes that colored people are not equal individuals and don't deserve to have the same rights and privileges such as lawyers like white people. Her age and how she was raised and taught to believe that white and lorded people were two very different and separate races can explain her beliefs.Scout acknowledges the fact that even though characters such as Mrs†¦ Dubos and Mr†¦ Lowell are considered to be adults, they behave like ignorant children who have not been scolded, corrected, or taught better by their parents. For instance at the court Scout observes the fact that † the Negroes having waited for the white people to go upstairs to the balcony first, started to go up† (Lee 173). This shows the reader the small gestures that the white people do, such as allowing the â€Å" Negroes† to sit down after them causes tension and distress in the society.Such gestures can be translated as downgrading the colored people and treating them as though they were insignificant and a burden to the community. Despite the example set by the white people, Scout and Gem go up and sit down with the black people instead, indirectly challenging the Macomb society and setting their own examples. The actions of one person can start a chain reaction of change, a lesson that helps shape Scout's independence and confidence in herself. She uses this newfound confidence in herself to express what she thinks and feels about stereotypes and racism, to advertise her beliefs and promote them to others around her.Similarly, the Macomb County's community is filled with hate, racism, stereotypes, and prejudice, factors that help Scout see how this shouldn't blind ones perception on people. Scout sees how stereotypes can be altered and obscured from the truth. This is seen when she goes with Gem and California to the colored church where she sees that † Negroes worshipped on Sunday while white men gambled† (Lee 118). The assumption in the novel is that white people are more religious then colored people but Scout see's how this statement is false.She also sees that even though the Negroes don't have as much as the white churches or have the same materials such as songbooks, etc. They pray the same if not more then the white churches. Scout learns how stereotypes are fabricated and misleading, generalizations groups held in a manner that renders them largely, though not entirely, immune to counterproductive and how you shouldn't assume things about people. Then there is the prejudicial Judgment caused by the ethnicity. This is proven when Scout says, † Judge Taylor, who had been concentrating on his fingernails, looked up† (Lee 167).This not only shows that the Judge has already come to the conclusion that Tom Robinson did in fact rape t he girl but it also shows that he doesn't care or find it necessary for Attic's to defend him since his verdict has already been made. She learns to never Judge by appearances because they really can be far from the truth. Due to this incident Tom also teaches Scout how she should keep a clear mind and never doubt oneself when others doubt you during ones darkest points in life because as long as you believe in oneself you will be able to overcome all obstacles in

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Leadership Essay

To improve ethical decision making in business, one must first understand how individuals make ethical decisions in an organizational environment. Too often it is assumed that individuals in organizations make ethical decisions in the same way that they make ethical decisions at home, in their family, or in their personal lives. Within the context of an organizational work group, however, few individuals have the freedom to decide ethical issues independent of organizational pressures. ETHICAL – ISSUE INTENSITY The first step in ethical decision making is to recognize that an ethical issue requires an individual or work group to choose among several actions that various stakeholders inside or outside the firm will ultimately evaluate as right or wrong. Ethical issue intensity, then, can be defined as the relevance or importance of an ethical issue in the eyes of the individual, work group, and/or organization. it is personal and temporal in character to accommodate values, beliefs, needs, perceptions, the special characteristics of the situation, and the personal pressure prevailing at a particular place and time. Ethical – issue intensity reflects the ethical sensitivity of the individual or work group that faces the ethical decision – making process. Research suggest that individuals are subject to six â€Å"spheres of influence† when confronted with ethical choices – the workplace, family, religion, legal system, community, and profession – and that the level of importance of each of these influences wiil vary depending on how important the decision maker perceives the issue to be. Additionally, the individuals sense of the situation’s moral intensity increase the individuals perceptiveness regarding ethical problems, which in turn reduces his or her intention to unethically. Moral intensity relates to a persons perception of social pressure and the harm the decision will have on others. The perception of ethical issue intensity can be influenced by managements use of reward and punishments, corporate policies, and corporate values to sensitize employees. In the words, managers can affect the degree to which employees  perceive the importance of an ethical issue through positive and/or negative incentives. INDIVIDUAL FACTORS When people need to resolve ethical issues in their daily lives, they often base their decisions on their own values and principles of right or wrong. The generally learn these values and principles through the socialization process with family members, social groups, and religion and in their formal education. Research regarding individual factors that affect ethical awareness, judgment, intent, and behavior include gender, education, work experience, nationality, age, and locus of control. Education, the number of years spent in pursuit of academic knowledge, is also a significant factor in the ethical decision-making process. The important thing to remember about education is that it does not reflect experience. Work experiences is defined as the number of years within a specific job, occupation, and/or industry. Generally, the more education or work experiences that one has, the better he/she is at ethical decision making. Nationality is the legal relationship between a person and the country in which he/she is born. Age is another individuals factors that has been researched within business ethics. In other words, the older you are, the more ethical you are. However, recent research suggest that there is probably a more complex relationship between ethics and age. Locus of control relates to individual differences in relation to a generalized beliefs about how one is affected by internal versus external events or reinforcements. In other word, the concept relates to where people view themselves in relation to power. Those who believe in external control see themselves as going with the flow because that’s all they can do. They believed that the events in their lives are do to uncontrollable forces. They consider what they want to achieve depends on luck, chance, and powerful people in their company. Conversely, those who believe in internal control believe that they control the events in their lives by their own  effort and skill, viewing themselves as masters of their destinies and trusting in their capacity to influence their environment. ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS Although people can and do make individual ethical choices in business situations, no one operates in a vacuum. Indeed, research has established that in the workplace the organizations values often have greater influence on decisions than a persons own values. Ethical choices in business are most often made jointly, in work groups and committees, or in conversations and discussions with coworkers. The outcome of this learning process depend on the strength of each person personal values, the opportunities he or she has to behave unethically, and the exposure he or she has to others two behave ethically or unethically. A corporate culture can be defined as a set of values, beliefs, goals, norms and ways of solving problems that members of an organization share. An important component of corporate, or organizational, culture is the company’s ethical culture. Whereas corporate culture involves values and rules that prescribe a wide range of behavior for organizational members, the ethical culture reflects whether the firm also has an ethical conscience. Ethical is a function of many factors, including corporate policies on ethics, top managements leadership on ethical issues, the influence of coworkers, and the opportunity for unethical behavior. Obedience to authority is another aspect of the influence that significant others can exercise. Obedience to authority helps to explain why many employees resolve business ethics issues by simply following the directives as superior. OPPORTUNITY Opportunity describes the conditions in an organization that limit or permit ethical or unethical behavior. Opportunity results from conditions that either provide rewards, whether internal or external, or fail to erect  barriers against unethical behavior. Example of internal rewards include feelings of goodness and personal worth generated by performing altruistic acts. External reward refer to what an individual expects to receive from others in the social environment. Rewards are external to the individual to the degree that they bring social approval, status, and esteem. An example of a condition that fails to erect barriers against unethical behavior is a company policy that does not punish employees who accept large gifts from clients. Opportunity relates to individuals immediate job context – where they work, whom they work with, and the nature of the work. Opportunity also comes from knowledge. Major misconduct observed among employees in the workplace include lying to employees, customers, vendors, or the public or with holding needed information from them. The opportunity for unethical behavior cannot be eliminated without aggressive enforcement of codes and rules. BUSINESS ETHICS EVALUATIONS AND INTENSIONS Ethical dilemmas involve problem-solving situations in which decision rules are often vague or in conflict. The results of an ethical decision are often uncertain, no one can always tell us whether we have made the right decision. An individuals intentions and the final decision regarding what action he or she will take are the last steps in the ethical decision-making process. When the individual intention and behavior are inconsistent with his or her ethical judgment, the person may feel guilty. Guilt or uneasiness is the first sign that an unethical decision has occurred. The next step is changing one’s behavior to reduce such feelings. This change can reflect a persons values shifting to fit the decision or the person changing his or her decision type the next time a similar situations occurs. For those who begin the value shift, the following are the usual justifications that will reduce and finally eliminate guilt: 1.I need the paycheck and cant afford to quit right now. 2.Those around me are doing it so why shouldn’t I? they believe it’s okay 3.If I hadn’t have done this, I may not be able to get a good reference from my boss or company when I leave. 4.This is not such a big deal, given the potential benefits 5.Business is business with a different set of rules 6.If not me, someone else would do it and get reward The road to success depends on how the business person defines success. The success concepts drives intentions and behavior in business either implicitly or explicitly. USING THE ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING FRAMWORK TO IMPROVE ETHICAL DECISIONS It bears repeating that it is impossible to tell you what is right or wrong; instead, we are attempting to prepare you make in framed ethical decisions. Although this chapter does not moralize by telling you what to do in a specific situation, it does provide an overview of typical decision-making processes and factor that influence ethical decisions. The framework is not a guide for how to make decisions but is intended to provide you with insights and knowledge about typical ethical decision making processes in business organizations. Because it is impossible to agree on normative judgments about what is ethical, business ethics scholars developing descriptive models have instead focused on regularities in decision making and the various phenomena that interact in a dynamic environment to produce predictable behavioral patterns. THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP AN A CORPORATE CULTERE Leadership the ability on authority to guide and direct others toward achievement of a goal, has significant impact on ethical decision making because leader have the power to motive others and enforce the organization’s rules policies as well as their own viewpoints. LEADRESHIP STYLE INFLUENCE ETHICAL DECISIONS Leadership styles influence many aspects of organizational behavior, including employees’ acceptance of and adherence to organizational norms and values. Styles that focus on building strong organizational values among employees contribute to shared standards of conduct. The ethical leadership concept is not only for CEOs, boards of directors, and managers but can also  be fellow employees. Ethical leadership by the CEO requires an understanding of the firm’s vision and values, as well as the challenges of responsibility and the risk in achieving organizational objectives. Six leadership styles that are based on emotional intelligence—the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively—have been identified by Daniel Goleman. 1.The coercive leader demands instantaneous obedience and focuses on achievement, initiative, and self-control. Although this style can be very effective during times of crisis or during a turnaround, it otherwise creates a negative climate for organizational performance. 2.The authoritative leader—considered to be one of the most effective styles—inspires employees to follow a vision, facilitates change, and creates a strongly positive performance climate. 3.The affiliative leader values people, their emotions, and their needs and relies on friendship and trust to promote flexibility, innovation, and risk taking. 4.The democratic leader relies on participation and teamwork to reach collaborative decisions. This style focuses on communication and creates a positive climate for achieving results. 5.The pacesetting leader can create a negative climate because of the high standards that he or she sets. This style works best for attaining quick results from highly motivated individuals who value achievement and take the initiative. 6.The coaching leader builds a positive climate by developing skills to foster long-term success, delegating responsibility, and skillfully issuing challenging assignments. Transactional leaders attempt to create employee satisfaction through negotiating, or â€Å"bartering,† for desired behaviors or levels of performance. Transformational leaders strive to raise employees’ level of commitment and to foster trust and motivation. HABITS OF STRONG ETHICAL LEADERS In particular, we believe that ethical leadership is based on holistic thinking that embraces the complex and challenging issues that companies face on a daily basis. Ethical leaders need both knowledge and experience to make the right decision. Strong ethical leaders have both the courage and the most complete information to make decisions that will be the best in the long run. Strong ethical leaders must stick to their principles and, if  necessary, be ready to leave the organization if its corporate governance system is so flawed that it is impossible to make the right choice. Ethical Leaders Have Strong Personal Character There is general agreement that ethical leadership is highly unlikely without a strong personal character. The question is how to teach or develop a moral person in a corporate environment. White, a leading authority on character development, believes the focus should be on â€Å"ethical reasoning† rather than on being a â€Å"moral person.† Ethical Leaders Have a Passion to Do Right The passion to do right is â€Å"the glue that holds ethical concepts together.† Some leaders develop this trait early in life, whereas others develop it over time through experience, reason, or spiritual growth. They often cite familiar arguments for doing right—to keep. society from disintegrating, to alleviate human suffering, to advance human prosperity, toresolve conflicts of interest fairly and logically, to praise the good and punish the guilty, or just because something â€Å"is the right thing to do.† Ethical Leaders Are Proactive Ethical leaders do not hang around waiting for ethical problems to arise. They anticipate, plan, and act proactively to avoid potential ethical crises.44 One way to be proactive is to take a leadership role in developing effective programs that provide employees with guidance and support for making more ethical choices even in the face of considerable pressure to do otherwise. Ethical Leaders Consider Stakeholders’ Interests Ethical leaders consider the interests of and implications for all stakeholders, not just those that have an economic impact on the firm. This requires acknowledging and monitoring the concerns of all legitimate stakeholders, actively communicating and cooperating with them, employing processes that are respectful of them, recognizing interdependencies among them, avoiding activities that would harm their human rights, and recognizing the potential conflicts between leaders’ â€Å"own role as corporate  stakeholders and their legal and moral responsibilities for the interests of other stakeholders. Ethical Leaders Are Role Models for the Organization’s Values If leaders do not actively serve as role models for the organization’s core values, then those values become nothing more than lip service. According to behavioral scientist Brent Smith, as role models, leaders are the primary influence on individual ethical behavior. Leaders whose decisions and actions are contrary to the firm’s values send a signal that the firm’s values are trivial or irrelevant. Firms such as Countrywide Financial articulated core values that were only used as window dressing. On the other hand, when leaders model the firm’s core values at every turn, the results can be powerful Ethical Leaders Are Transparent and Actively Involved in Organizational Decision Making Being transparent fosters openness, freedom to express ideas, and the ability to question conduct, and it encourages stakeholders to learn about and comment on what a firm is doing. Transparent leaders will not be effective unless they are personally involved in the key decisions that have ethical ramifications. Transformational leaders are collaborative, which opens the door for transparency through interpersonal exchange. Earlier we said that transformational leaders instill commitment and respect for values that provide guidance on how to deal with ethical issues. Ethical Leaders Are Competent Managers Who Take a Holistic View of the Firm’s Ethical Culture Ethical leaders can see a holistic view of their organization and therefore view ethics as a strategic component of decision making, much like marketing, information systems, production, and so on. Although his company is called Waste Management, CEO David P. Steiner is as committed to renewable energy as just about anyone working for a multibillion dollar business. Steiner was selected as one of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics by the Ethisphere Institute in 2007, and his company, Waste Management, was chosen as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2008. Case study : Tyco International: Leadership Crisis INTRODUCTION On September 12, 2002, national television showcased Tyco International’s former chief executive officer (CEO) L. Dennis Kozlowski and former chief financial officer (CFO) Mark H. Swartz in handcuffs after being arrested and charged with misappropriating more than $170 million from the company. They were also accused of stealing more than $430 million through fraudulent sales of Tyco stock and concealing the information from shareholders. The two executives were charged with more than thirty counts of misconduct, including grand larceny, enterprise corruption, and falsifying business records. Another executive, former general counsel Mark A. Belnick, was charged with concealing $14 million in personal loans. Months after the initial arrests, charges and lawsuits were still being filed—making the Tyco scandal one of the most notorious of the early 2000s. TYCO’S HISTORY Founded in 1960 by Arthur J. Rosenberg, Tyco began as an investment and holding company focused on solid-state science and energy conversion. It developed the first laser with a sustained beam for use in medical procedures. Rosenberg later shifted his focus to the commercial sector. In 1964, Tyco became a publicly traded company. It also began a series of rapid acquisitions—sixteen companies by 1968. The expansion continued through 1982, as the company sought to fill gaps in its development and distribution networks. Between 1973 and 1982, the firm grew from $34 million to $500 million in consolidated sales. THE RISE OF DENNIS KOZLOWSKI In 1975, armed with a degree in accounting, Dennis Kozlowski went to work for Tyco, following brief stints at SCM Corporation and Nashua Corporation. He soon found a friend and mentor in then CEO Joseph Gaziano. Kozlowski was impressed by Gaziano’s lavish lifestyle—company jets, extravagant vacations, company cars, and country club memberships. However, Gaziano’s reign ended abruptly in 1982 when he died of cancer. Gaziano was replaced by John F.  Fort III, who differed sharply in management style. Where Gaziano had been extravagant, Fort was analytical and thrifty. His goal was to increase profits for shareholders and cut the extravagant spending characterizing Gaziano’s tenure, and Wall Street responded positively to Tyco’s new direction. Kozlowski, who had thrived under Gaziano, was forced to adapt to the abrupt change in leadership. Adept at crunching numbers, Kozlowski focused on helping to achieve Fort’s vision of putting shareholders first. Kozlowski’s largest acquisition was Wormald International, a $360 million global fire-protection concern. Integrating Wormald proved problematic, and Fort was reportedly unhappy with such a large purchase. Fort and Kozlowski also disagreed over rapid changes made to Grinnell. Kozlowski responded by lobbying to convince Tyco’s board of directors that problems with Wormald were a â€Å"bump in the road† and that the firm should continue its strategy of acquiring profitable companies that met guidelines. KOZLOWSKI’S TYCO EMPIRE After Fort’s departure, Dennis Kozlowski, then 46, found himself helming Tyco International. With a new lifestyle—parties and multiple homes in Boca Raton, Nantucket, Beaver Creek, and New York City—and an aggressive management style, he appeared to be following in the footsteps of his mentor, former CEO Joseph Gaziano. Kozlowski knew Tyco from the bottom up, and stated that he was determined to make it the greatest company of the next century. Among other things, he recognized that one of Tyco’s major shortcomings was its reliance on cyclical industries, which tend to be very sensitive to economic ups and downs. In 1997, Kozlowski acquired ADT Security Services, a British-owned company located in Bermuda. By structuring the deal as a â€Å"reverse takeover,† wherein a public company is acquired by a private company so as to avoid the lengthy process of going public, Tyco acquired a global presence as well as ADT’s Bermuda registration. The majority of members had served for ten years or more, and they were familiar with Kozlowski’s management style. As directors, they were responsible for protecting Tyco’s shareholders through disclosure of questionable situations or issues that might seem unethical or inappropriate. Despite this, after the arrests of Kozlowski and Swartz, investigations uncovered the following troubling relationships among the  board’s members: 1.Richard Bodman invested $5 million for Kozlowski in a private stock fund managed by Bodman. 2.Frank E. Walsh, Jr. received $20 million for helping to arrange the acquisition of CIT Group without the other board members’ knowledge. 3.Walsh also held controlling interest in two firms that received more than $3.5 million for leasing an aircraft and providing pilot services to Tyco between 1996 and 2002. 4.Stephen Foss received $751,101 for supplying a Cessna Citation aircraft and pilot services. 5.Lord Michael Ashcroft used $2.5 million in Tyco funds to purchase a home. Meanwhile, Jeanne Terrile, an analyst from Merrill Lynch who worked for Tyco, was not impressed with Kozlowski’s activities and Tyco’s performance. Her job at Merrill Lynch was to make recommendations to investors on whether to buy, hold, or sell specific stocks. After Terrile wrote a negative review of Tyco’s rapid acquisitions and mergers and refused to upgrade Merrill’s position on Tyco’s stock, Kozlowski met with David Komansky, the CEO of Merrill Lynch. THE FALL OF DENNIS KOZLOWSKI AND OTHERS In early 2002, Kozlowski announced Tyco’s split of its four divisions into independent, publicly traded companies: Security and Electronics, Healthcare, Fire Protection and Flow Control, and Financial Services. Kozlowski stated, â€Å"I am extremely proud of Tyco’s performance. We have built a 5 great portfolio of businesses and over the five years ended September 30, 2001, we have delivered earnings per share growth at a compounded annual rate of over 40 percent and industry-leading operating profit margins in each of our businesses. During this same period, we have increased annual free cash flow from $240 million in 1996 to $4.8 billion in fiscal 2001. Nonetheless, even with this performance, Tyco is trading at a 2002 P/E multiple of 12.0x, a discount of almost 50 percent to the S&P 500.† Also in 2002, the New York State Bank Department observed large sums of money moving in and out of Tyco’s accounts. What made this unusual was that the funds were being transferred into Kozlowski’s personal accounts. Authorities discovered that Kozlowski had sought to avoid around $1 million in New York state import taxes. In September of that year, Dennis Kozlowski and Mark Swartz, who also had resigned, were indicted on thirty-eight felony counts for allegedly stealing $170 million from Tyco and fraudulently selling an  additional $430 million in stock options. Among other allegations, Kozlowski was accused of taking $242 million from a program intended to help Tyco employees buy company stock. REBUILDING AN EMPIRE After Kozlowski’s resignation, Edward Breen replaced him as CEO. The company filed suit against Dennis Kozlowski and Mark Swartz for more than $100 million. The SEC allows companies to sue insiders who profited by buying and selling company stock within a six-month period. Tyco stated, â€Å"To hold him accountable for his misconduct, we seek not only full payment for the funds he misappropriated but also punitive damages for the serious harm he did to Tyco and its shareholders.†

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Relationship Between Art and Religion Essay

Humans have since the very earliest time of their existence questioned various fundamental facts about their existence and the world around them. They have tried to answer the mysteries of life such as how they came into existence and what happens after their death. These questions they discovered could be only answered through religion and science. Religion went about explaining that all things were there because of some greater spiritual being which brought everything and everyone into existence. Religion especially during ancient times put God as the master creator of all things and beings, having created men on all other creations. The average person doesn’t usually think of art as something that influences religion yet in true facts art helps us visualize our beliefs since as humans we at times find it easier to believe that which we see. Even in the Bible we find that humans have made sculptures, statues and paintings of their god in order for them to have something that reminds them of that greater force and act as intermediaries between them as moral beings and God as a divine spiritual being. For example Early Christians used the fish as a symbol of God which is now replaced by the symbol of the cross; Ancient Egyptians who worshipped numerous god’s used a falcons head as a symbol of their sun god Ra, and Muslims with the symbol of a moon and star. In Ancient Greece it was customary for artists to represent the Olympian deities in perfectly-modelled men or women because they believed that the god’s were somewhat like humans but in perfect form and that they were immortal. Art helped (and still does) people visualize all that their religion was implementing so that they could understand, believe and have faith. It was also important because many people where illiterate and so through paintings and sculpt stories painted on the walls of churches, the word of God could be delivered to them as well. Art is still visible on many religious buildings for example the paintings found on the inside and outside of walls of churches illustrates a story from, in the case of Christians, the Holy Bible. Some examples of such would be the cathedral in Rome and that of Milan which are both of extraordinary aesthetic beauty. Art when it comes to religion is a way of spreading the word of God in a non-literal way. The beauty of art is that many people can interpret art work differently therefore a religious art piece can be inspiring and motivational to my life as well as to another in a whole different way because we would have both taken the same message but applied it to our lives in different ways. Therefore art is a language which anyone can speak, understand and interpret personally. Some worldwide renowned artists whose art was influenced by religion are Michelangelo in The Creation of Adam and The Last Judgement, Leonardo Da Vinci in Virgin of The Rocks and Tintoretto in The Crucifixion. Apart from paintings and buildings religion also influenced music in fact nowadays we have multiple praise songs in different religions. In a nut shell whilst religion has left its mark on Art, art has been a helping hand and necessity when it comes to the delivering of the word of God.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Imrerial Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Imrerial Russia - Essay Example Caucasus was composed of areas such as Bashkirstan, Tartarstan, Central Asia as well as Siberia. A considerable proportion of the population within the Empire belonged to the peasant group which accounted for about 81.6 percent of the total population within the Empire. The other category was composed as follows; Clergy which accounted for 0.9 percent, nobility, accounted for about 1.3 percent, merchants and burghers all of whom accounted for approximately 9.3 percent of the total population within the Empire. The military on the other hand accounted for about 6.1 percent. According to Resnick and Richard (76) it is estimated that more than 88 million individuals were peasants during this time. Of this group, approximately 10,447,149 were males all of whom were formally serfs while the remaining group was the state peasants. Statistics further indicate that this group was about 9,941,891 males and the type of peasants domain accounted for about 842,740 according to the Empire statistics of the year 1858. One of the major changes that the Russian society underwent in the year 1861 was the famous emancipation of the serfs. It is imperative to note that the problem of serfdom was spread throughout the entire Empire. By mid 19th century, it had become apparent for the rulers within this Empire that this problem could not be ignored in the event that Russia wanted to be modernized and reformed as argued by Resnick and Richard (153). In this regard, the issue of the serfs being freed took center stage throughout the entire Empire. Hence, against this backdrop, serfdom was abolished by Tsar Alexander II during this year. Evidence from literature indicates that Czar Alexander actually managed to emancipate about 44 million peasants from the state oppression. Perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that the said Czar knew very well that the only way for Russia to the rest of the world was indeed ready for modernization and was through the abolishment of such a system of oppression. Though the move was noble, it caused several problems within the Empire. This was further aggravated by the fact that majority of the freed peasants were uneducated. One of these problems was that the land provided to this group was actually quite small in comparison to what they had been allocated as plots when they were serfs to the Empire. In a nutshell, each plot averaged about 8 acres which was a far cry of what was being offered to them after their indictment. Other than ensuring that the serfs were emancipated in mainland Russia, Czar Alexander was also concerned with this problem in Georgia. The process of liberating the serf in Georgia called for delicate negotiations to ensure that he did not loose the much earned nobility loyalty and whose leadership power greatly depended on the readily available labor from the serfs . The other challenge which the Czar was faced with was finding a workable solution that would be agreeable to the land-owners within the Empire. However, fr om the evidence provided above, it is justifiable to state that he failed in this issue of land ownership. Although he eventually succeeded in liberating serfs in Georgia as well, his inability to solve the land problem brought more harm than good. Most notably, he brought them under the colonization of their landlords since most of them still had to work for

Daily Reading Responses2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Daily Reading Responses2 - Essay Example However, the reading asserts that women have not been enjoying these rights despite their continued struggle. As such, colored women in America are yet to enjoy the full benefits of the American independence. The reading claims that women have a right to vote, earn, and civil justice just like men. The article notes that very few people addressed the rights for colored women after colored men got their rights. As a result, colored men became masters over the women defining a unique type of slavery that demeaned the American independence. Unfortunately, this misfortune only happened to colored women since the white women are a great deal smarter and ensured they enjoyed the same rights as the white men. Conveniently, the reading justifies the struggle for equal rights for colored women by asserting the benefits of having equal human rights for both colored men and colored women in the American community. Indeed, colored women deserve to earn, study, lead, and enjoy civil justice just like colored men since colored people have their freedom in America (University of California 2). Only then will America enjoy the full benefits of the American independence. University of California. Sojourner Truth, Address to the First Annual Meeting of the American Equal Rights Association, New York City, May 9, 1867. Web. 22 July 2014.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Customer Inserts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Customer Inserts - Research Paper Example The extensive use of this therapy is also a subject of focus within this paper. The paper also tries to categorize this therapy in terms of set models of classifications for treatment of mental illnesses. The various aspects of the therapy which require improvements are covered within the context of the paper. Introduction Schizophrenia can be identified as a chronic mental illness which is characterized by the inability to process thoughts. Individuals suffering from this condition experience various symptoms. These symptoms may include paranoia as a result of mental instability (American Psychiatric Association, 2000 ). The individual gets the impression that others are conspiring against him/her and thus paranoia begins. Other symptoms may include hallucinations, disorganized speech and delusions. Hallucinations come as a result of the individual hearing voices which do not exist. This condition has been associated with a number of factors. Though there exists a small percentage l inked to genetic factors, the condition is immensely associated with substance abuse. The most common drugs associated with this condition include are cannabis and cocaine. Environmental factors like social groups can also be linked to the development of the condition to a small extent. Most of the environmental factors associated though, seem to lead to substance abuse. It is therefore not clear whether there is a direct connection between the environmental factors and schizophrenia. There exist numerous medications which have been used to treat schizophrenia. Being a mental condition, the treatment targets the developed symptoms as there are no viruses or infectious pathogens. The most effective, known methods have been application of first and second generation antipsychotic. These are aimed at getting the individual away from the causative agent. There exist numerous interventions employed commonly in the treatment of this condition. These include cognitive behavioral therapy, s ubstance abuse treatment, family member education, assertive community treatment, training in social skills among others. All these interventions aim at reducing the symptoms displayed by an individual. The intervention Cognitive behavioral therapy is a reality based intervention employed to help people with schizophrenia. It has been extensively used in many cases where symptoms associated with schizophrenia become evident. The king’s college in London developed this intervention. Numerous studies and researches have been undertaken in different parts of the world aiming at providing more information concerning the application of this reality based intervention (Berrios, 1994). This therapy aims at improving cognitive abilities which become drastically reduced by schizophrenia. It targets at restoring the cognitive abilities of an individual suffering from schizophrenia. Supported employment has been profoundly used in the treatment of individuals showing severe symptoms of schizophrenia. Supported employment is part of the cognitive behavioral therapy administered for the treatment of severe mental conditions. Through the use of supported employment, the people with mental illnesses like schizophrenia have been able to maintain competitive employment. The method employed in this study for collecting information was to use individuals with a severe mental condition. Some of the individuals chosen also had to have a history of job failures. They were

Monday, August 26, 2019

Gender Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gender Inequality - Essay Example This claim is true and challenges human claims raised by different individuals to view these two unequal individuals as equals. This is because despite the education levels, which have improved the status of the feminine gender, women are weak and their biological morphology does not allow them to take part in hard tasks. Weakness in women has also been facilitated by their upbringing. This is because the female child is given more care compared to a boy child. Additionally, boy children are exposed to hard tasks at a tender age while girls are prepared for home-based roles. Although women are considered weak than men because their physical differences, women have many capabilities, which qualify them to be equal to men. The intellectual capacity of women is higher compared to males’ brains. Most men believe that women are poor in terms of intelligence compared to them. Studies, however, have confirmed that women intelligence varies slightly to that of men. The stereotypes tha t males hold that women are capable of executing home-related activities and duties because they require less application of the human brain have no basis. These stereotypes have made men to hold big and prominent positions because their performance is considered high compared to that of women. This is a clear indication that men are no better than women in terms of intellectual ability. Women have much potential in them. This has been evidenced by the different positions they are holding, which were considered male roles.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Vodun and the related Voodoo religions of the African culture Essay

Vodun and the related Voodoo religions of the African culture - Essay Example None of the part of this great continent can claim absolute ownership regarding the origination of Voodoo. However the Voodoo in its present form had been originated in Haiti when the Europeans colonized the Hispaniola. The origination of Voodoo has strong connection and interlink with the transportation of African slaves to the other parts of the world. When Africa first came under the European domination; the Africans were readily started to be considered as cheap labor and worthy of transportation as slaves. The European colonists were confident that since these slaves belonged to different ethnic groups hence, they can never come together and build any resistance against their so called white rulers (Chesi, 6-7; Louis, 47). Interestingly Voodoo evolved as a phenomenon within unity in diversity. The continuous oppression of the European rulers and the misery of slavery created a common thread among those who were oppressed and in search of salvation they created a religion that wa s a mix of different faiths and practises; cumulatively referred as Voodoo (Christoph and Oberlander). The term Voodoo has evolved from the West African term Vodun and is a fusion of different beliefs that came from various African Ethnic groups namely â€Å"Fon, the Nago, the Ibos, Dahomeans, Congos , Senegalese, Haussars, Caplaous, Mondungues, Mandinge, Angolese, Libyans, Ethiopians, and the Malgaches.† (Voodoo)... Such rituals are a culmination of â€Å"prayers, drumming, dancing, singing and animal sacrifice† (Edwards, 296). Among many other animals; serpent holds the prime spot in Voodoo rituals. The importance of serpent in Voodoo rituals can be easily grasped through the fact that the word Voodoo means â€Å"the snake under whose auspices gathers all who share the faith† (Voodoo). The serpent expresses his immense power through the Papa or Maman who is the high priest. Among all other deities Bon Dieu is considered as most powerful and prime of them all. In Voodoo spirits are called Loa who on one hand controls Mother Nature and on the other determines human fate through influencing their health, financial prosperity and happiness. Some important deities in Voodoo are Damballah, Ezil, Ogu, Agwe and Legba (Michel, 63; Owusu, 43). In Voodoo ceremony the spirit or the Loa occupies the soul and body of the faithful participants and delivers his advice, warnings and desires throug h them. Voodoo is closely associated with nature and every possible natural phenomenon is considered to be the act of a Loa. In western culture there is a misconception regarding Voodoo dance that forms an important part of any Voodoo ceremony (Owusu). Such dance as described by the western experts is sexual expression. In reality they are just the opposite; these dances are spiritual expression and an attempt to get connected with the divine being. Unlike many other religions Voodoo is mainly based on practical experience and is deeply routed with the family and the community. An excellent example of that might be considering the dead ancestors as a part of the Loas (Rigaud, 50). Somewhere such belief is deeply routed with history

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Is the 'Promise' of international institutions really 'false' Essay

Is the 'Promise' of international institutions really 'false' - Essay Example The international institution has not conformed to its agenda maintaining world peace as it has been witnessed that institutions such as IGOs do not include its entire agenda in societal and international issues1. Some institutions relates to issues of economic while ignoring cultural, and security issues. International institutions have encountered several critiques questioning their involvement in world issue. The arguments view these institutions as a basic reflection of power distribution in the world2. They have based their self-interest on calculations of achieving great powers and not possessing independent effects on behavior of the states. This shows that the institutions might be seen to be relevant in spreading norms that are common to states but they still do not enhance interstate peace being that they still need to have complex institutional structure to reduce chances of conflicts among states. Besides, the IGOs that still do not include security issues in their agenda, but majors on fewer issues cannot pursue management of conflicts in a peaceful manner .Therefore, the institutions should avoid creation of groups based on powers of those states so that they can abandon their individual interest and be in position to reach mutual agreement. By doing this the institutions can now receive favorable arguments that they are surely decreasing conflicts among states. These issues have therefore resulted to invention of various theories that are concerned with peaceful conflict resolution among warring states3. There have been several empirical evidences showing that commercial institutional peace research to have done commendable work in ensuring that the incidences of military interstate conflict reduced. This has been made possible through the following way; firstly, commercial institutions haveensured that they increase the opportunity cost of war for various states. Secondly this institution has

Friday, August 23, 2019

Medical Microbiology - GI Tract, CNS, Urogenital Tract Assignment

Medical Microbiology - GI Tract, CNS, Urogenital Tract - Assignment Example The infections are usually characterized by frequent urge to urinate, painful and general malaise. The UTIs reoccurrence is most common in 40% of the UTI females. The infection occurs with the E.Coli but with a different strain. The key features of Uropathogenic E.Coli are Type I cystitis and Pili pyelonephritits. The use of catheters is the most common health associated infections. Staphylococcus saprophytics: It is considered to be the second most frequent causative agent of acute UTI, particularly in Women. Patients with UTI caused by this agent usually experience symptomatic cystitis. It causes UTIs in sexually active women. Proteus mirabilis: The virulence factor associated with this is proteases, haemolysins, and Biofilm formation. Biofilms are the group of microorganisms growing on the surfaces enclosed as â€Å"slime†. Apart from the UPEC’s, staphylococcus saprophytic, Candida, proteus mirabilis, klebseilla and mycoplasma and urethra plasma organisms are responsible. The diagnosis includes leukocyte esterase test, nitrates test, etc. The juxta position of urinary and genital tracks are more common. Prostatitis and Epididymitis are other related clinical outcomes. Antibiotics are used for the treatment. 1) Although urine contains various salts, and waste products, it usually does not have bacteria in it. However, when________ bacteria gets into the bladder or kidney, it will multiply cause Urinary Tract Infections. 3) Urogenital infections not caused by sexual transmission, namely yeast vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, and urinary tract infection remain a major medical problem in terms of the number of women afflicted each year. Which of the following microbe is not responsible for the urogenital infections? Sexually transmitted Diseases (STDs) are transmitted by anal and oral routes. The micro organisms are transmitted through the exchange of the body fluids from the infected to susceptible partners. WHO

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Child Development Punishment and Deterrence Essay Example for Free

Child Development Punishment and Deterrence Essay When discuss children and issues that we have with them we to be sensitive and have a sympathetic ear meaning we have to listen before we disciple them. We will discuss how to use techniques and solutions that can prevent our children from committing mistakes that can be fatal. With children now they have pretty much gotten away with disrespecting no just adults and the parent but themselves as well. So we find ways to discipline them by taking away video game and leisure time but that sometimes does work why, is because we have spent so much time buying things to occupy their time due to our absence and lack of discipline when the time is appropriate. Now the child has gotten away with so much while he or she is little they tend to be more bold with words and more disrespectful and then we have had it and want them out or we want help from others if you ask me it’s no one else’s business it should stay in the family. This is because if this gets out about your child misbehaving it can go both ways, it can help you ask far reaching out for help because others have the same problems and can’t find a solution so the group can work together and find ways to fix the problem. Or you can take your child to Dr. Phil which to me is embarrassing because you actually have to expose this problem to the world about a child! You can’t raise your or control your household where you pay bills, and provide a roof with food and water available at any time â€Å"DISRESPECTFUL†. We tend to use the old ways of punishment like belts and extension cords etc. But you can’t do that anymore we have counseling, psychiatrists, and the law! I say the law because now if you hit a child and he or she calls the police you’re going to jail and will be frowned upon and possibly humiliated. The belt method in my opinion should be used from ages 2-10 I know it sound harsh but I rather punish my child now than see them in a grave later because of lack of acknowledgement of what right and what’s wrong this could be a life and death situation. Here is an example remember the â€Å"Menendez Brothers† Lyle and Erik Menendez shoot their parents, Jose and Kitty, to death in the den of the familys Beverly Hills, California, home. They then drove up to Mulholland Drive, where they dumped their shotguns before continuing to a local movie theater to buy tickets as an alibi. When the pair returned home, Lyle called 911 and cried, Somebody killed my parents! The Menendez murders became a national sensation when the new television network, Court TV, broadcast the trial in 1993. Although the Menendez brothers were not immediately suspected, Erik couldnt take the guilt and confessed his involvement to his psychotherapist, Dr. L. Jerome Oziel. Ignoring his own ethical responsibilities, Dr. Oziel taped the sessions with his new patient in an apparent attempt to impress his mistress. But the woman ended up going to the police with her information and, in March 1990, Lyle, 22, and Erik, 19, were arrested. Now we can debate why did these children do this? Is it because of lack of punishment maybe the kids were spoiled and had nothing to challenge them and decided to make names for them by creating a violent episode, or maybe they we sick psychologically what do you think? More than 20% of the inmates in the cook county jail range from ages 16-30. This is very true because crime for these individuals have risen due to the fact of single home parenting while results in most cases kids joining gangs and being embraced by the streets. I have a clue but I can’t really tell you why these crimes are so high it’s like they have little no regards for the law. But we have to teach them when they are young and encourage them to do better and live a long life and show them why crime doesn’t pay versus telling them. No as far as deterrence this is a problem and I’m going to tell you of my experience being a soldier put in that position. In 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana it was so tragic that for everyone to see around the world was involved in the recovery efforts. I volunteered to go down and do whatever so I served as a second hand but only in uniform. But when my unit got called up to go down there we had a mission to patrol the streets and put up road blocks and issue a curfew. This was not good we had stopped a few people and I could see the terror in their eyes because they had men in uniform that had US Army insignia with M-16’s like we were at war. We were supposed to be helping others not putting more resistance on them as far as taking away there last bit of freedom but we had no choice because the police were corrupt and had fled the state so we were now the lawmen as well as the rescuers. Here we are with these large vehicles rolling down the street 5-10 HUMVEE’s in a row with all this gear, this made people more afraid that safe they didn’t know what to do. But the point is that if we launch our on people against each other its’ like genocide what would happen if you had relative that were known for trouble in Kentucky and you are deployed down there and have to confront one of them in an effort to clean up and make peace this is difficult do you arrest them, talk to them, engage them your own blood? Military should be the last and final resort. I just believe the FBI and its task force should be deployed in a summer and take over the streets because they carry stiffer penalties when you commit crimes of violent nature such as murder and possession of firearms etc. References (

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Power of the Few Essay Example for Free

Power of the Few Essay The three articles to be tackled by this essay discuss the presence of a power elite, a term coined by author C. Wright Mills.   The articles talk about how the power elite emerged and existed, who comprises it, and evidence to prove why these people are, in fact, the few who hold power in America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first article is C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite wherein he argues that the power of the elite is not derived from their individual attributes but from three societal institutions, specifically the economy, politics, and the military, where power is actually concentrated (332).    To support this argument, Mills points out that there are extraordinary men who are heads or are in command of major social structures and are in the position to make decisions that will have great consequences affecting society (332).     He goes on to point out that even if these men do not make decisions or act for their institutions, such is actually an influencing act in itself (332).   And who are these men who govern the three major institutions of society? They are â€Å"the wealthiest, most celebrated, most powerful†¦[with] resources of men, women, and money†¦and mass media focused on them† (336).     Mills then presents two points of view regarding the existence of powerful elite: those who do not believe that power elite exists and those who believe that it exists only because historical situations show that decisions are being made but the average and ordinary citizen did not make that decision (333).   However, Mills then argues that there are institutions that do in fact unite the decisions made and the historical events that show those decisions (334).   And even if one will argue that society is also ruled by religious, educational and familial institutions, Mills concedes that although these institutions are present and working in society, they are just but the means of the big three[1] to legitimize its power and decisions (334).   In fact, Mills argues that if the smaller institutions do not go about the path laid down by the big three, then the big three can always do something to change the structure of smaller institutions so as to fit their plans and decisions (334-335). In the end, Mills wraps up his article with the conclusion that there are those extraordinary men in the three biggest influential institutions in society that dictate its course and that although they are not solitary rulers (333), it is only through them that power â€Å"can be more or less continuous and important† (336).   And these men are so powerful that their wills are followed and realized even if others resist it (336).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second article is Diversity in the Power Elite by Richard Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff, wherein the authors concluded that â€Å"power elite is more than a set of institutional leaders† (338).     The authors attack the view of C. Wright Mills that society is not pluralistic and that it is controlled only by a handful through a research on whether the three major institutional hierarchies have become diversified over the years since Mills’ theory.   And the answer is yes.   The authors’ research showed that the power elite have been diversified through the presence of more women and minorities (339). The research further shows that although there is diversity in the powerful, there are many things that have not changed.   For one, the core group of the elite is still predominantly Christian white males and many groups that contributed to diversification remain underrepresented (339).   Two, â€Å"high social origins continue to be a distinct advantage† and those who are able to penetrate the major institutions play the game according to the rules that have been followed since time immemorial (339). Lastly, the acceptance of diversity was only a result of   â€Å"pressure from activists and feminists† (339).   The article further discussed that although there was diversification in the power elite, the diversity only ends with the gender or race of the person.   In fact, diversity strengthened the power elite even more because it â€Å"held the same values and perspective as those who are already in power† (340).   In the end, diversification did not disprove the existence of the power elite, as enunciated by Mills, but only expanded its membership.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last article is by Louis Desipio and Rodolfo O. De La Garza entitled Forever Seen as New: Latino Participation in American Elections wherein it proposes that the growing importance of the Latino electorate in American elections is a result, not of Latino mobilization, but of following an Anglo pattern where the more educated and economically advantaged are the ones who vote (346). The article presents the impediments to a more active Latino electorate: being young, less well-educated, low incomes, and not being American citizens (343, 344).     These impediments have been remedied somehow by the emergence of â€Å"new cadre Latino elites and new institutions† comprised of young and well-educated Latinos (345).   This new cadre exposes Latino issues which enable politicians to address them with more knowledge (345).   As a result, although development in Latino participation will be slow, the new cadre will prove to be influential as it is the voice of the Latino community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the three articles read and analyzed side by side, the most and key concept is power elite.   Mills defines the power elite as the concentration of societal power and influence in a few.   It is often comprised of the highly educated and wealthy people who occupy high posts in either the economic, political or military institutions. The article of Zweigenhaft and Domhoff   proves that although there is a move to further diversify the power elite, there is still only a handful who dictate the course of society as the newcomers hardly have proposed major changes, and in fact settle for playing the game the way the power elite has played it ever since.   The article of Desipio and De La Garza is not any different since it discusses the concentration of Latino electoral participation in the young and well-educated.   At the end of the day, Mills’ concept has expanded but not altered in any way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the three readings main theme of power in the few, I was awakened to the possibility that there really might be just a few people who are running our country through the economy, politics, and the military.     I realized that family, education and religion are not even major powerhouses but do play some role in putting the power elite in their positions.   Those who are wealthy and had the opportunity to graduate from ivy-league and other elite schools are perceived as the people who know a lot and could probably make the right decisions for the country. As a result of this thinking, they are placed in positions that take the correct actions for their institutions.   But I cannot entirely concede that that diversification has not changed anything in the power elite and that the newcomers have not changed anything in society.   Gender and racial issues are core agenda in society today although it must be noted that minorities are still that: minorities.   It is still the rich, the smart and the popular who are in a state of power and influence.   How else can you justify Arnold Schwarchenegger   winning the gubernatorial seat? [1] Economic, political and military institutions

Differentiate Between Stress And Strain Engineering Essay

Differentiate Between Stress And Strain Engineering Essay When stretching a material, the length changes and the strain become positive. More strain means that more stress to the object once compress. When the material is compressed, the length changes and strain becomes negative. This obeys to the law of the stresses where go together with these strains, tensile stresses being positive and compressive stresses negative. Figure above shows the relationship between stress and stain as the stress is directly proportional to strain. There is a relationship where the force applied and the object changing in physical shape. It has revealed that the elastic behavior can be defined thru some relations with the form that the physical state changes is small in related to the original. This relationship can defined as Hookes Law ( F = -kx) Question 2 Pyrometer is used for measuring temperature. Discuss in details four principal techniques for the measurement of temperature. State the typical applications of different types of pyrometers A pyrometer used to measures heat from an object which has visible in bright or radiant. Pyrometers consider as thermometers where scientists use it to define the heat and heat type given out from an object. The critical variation between a pyrometer and other types of thermometers is the radiant levels on or after the heated objects are typically far too hot for interaction. That is why pyrometers have visual scanners that measure the heat. Four principal techniques for measurement of temperature. IR Pyrometers for Surface Temperatures The spectrum lies at wavelengths longer than light however shorter than microwaves or measuring system. IR pyrometers usually operate with wavelengths from two to twenty microns, reckoning on the material being measured. Plancks law states that the emissive power of a black body contains a spectral distribution reliant on the body temperature. This can be a well-known matter, thus there are numerous strategies to avoid this matter with variable target emissivity. IR Gas Temperature Pyrometers IR pyrometer functional at a wavelength consistent to the combustion emitted products, such as CO2 gas radiation (at 4.26 or 4.5 microns) can measure average gas temperature. This method needs gas to be combusted, meanwhile air not having a sturdy IR emission peaks. All fossil fuels produce CO2 after when it burnt, so this method is appropriate to oil and propane fired furnaces, but not for electrically heated furnaces. The temperature of the gas stately is the radiation temperature of the CO2 gases in the field of view of the lens, so choice of lens and placement is significant. 2 IR pyrometers must be located on opposite sides of the furnace to portion this temperature inhomogeneity. Whatever that blocks the assessment of the lens (as soot or dust), air penetration (less CO2 to measure temperatures) or huge differences in gas temperature with time can create the average temperature signal too strident to use straight in a control system. ACOUSTIC PYROMETERS Acoustic pyrometers is a method where used to measure the temperature of gases created on the temperature reliance of the speed of sound. The speed of sound diverges through the square root of the total gas temperature. This method stretches an average temperature completed an identified path length if the gas composition is identified and continuous. Guileless acoustical pyrometry uses the time of flight statistics for the leading wave front to reach the receiver. This is suitable on behalf of an average gas temperature for one path. The wavelengths may exist to be enormous, for instance, presumptuous a sound velocity of 880 m/s at a frequency of 500 Hz stretches a wavelength of 1.8 m. Ruptures of air can remain the basis of sound, giving an informal to connect, low-maintenance instrument. Numerous paths can be selected, which can be examined to provide 2D isothermal maps of furnace temperature problematic to crop by other resources for gas temperatures of 1650Â °C. Advantages of a coustical pyrometry embrace modest and rough equipment for industrial environments, numerous paths subsequently a single transmitter for a least amount of holes in the furnace walls for 2D temperature mapping, low operating costs and proven technology. Suction pyrometers Suction pyrometers are a method where suction is used to appeal the hot combustion gases past a thermocouple at a great velocity to decrease the fault in gas temperature measurements. Radiation shields reduce the thermal effects of radiation. Suction pyrometers are still the best industrial apparatuses for measuring combustion gas temperatures, for instance, they are used for impermanent gas temperature measurements at a specific position or for calibration of other temperature measurement apparatus. The micro suction pyrometer has been established to evade countless of the disadvantages of the suction pyrometer. Main disadvantages with micro suction pyrometers comprise their lesser accurateness and additional brittle construction comparative to conservative suction pyrometers. Types of pyrometers Broadband Pyrometer The broadband pyrometer is used to record the broadband wavelengths of radiation, typically about 0.3 microns. However furthermost repeatedly used, they can have big mistakes in readings. Subsequently they are merely registering a minor quantity of an object heat. Everything from water vapor to dust can produce a reading error. Optical Pyrometers An optical pyrometer let a scientist to observe heat though all pyrometers are optical in the sense they can recite an objects heat from a distance. An optical pyrometer is used to measures the heat infrared wavelengths and straight displays the manipulator the object heat distribution. Additional pyrometers typically have a screen to shows the results of an optical scan. An optical pyrometer can act lie a telescope where the scientists can look over a lens and see the infrared wavelengths of an object. Optical pyrometers are one of the oldest pyrometer types and are able to see the wavelength levels up to 0.65 microns. Radiation Pyrometer A radiation pyrometer is used to determine pure radiation wavelengths. The device contains an optical scanner that can perceive 0.7 to 20 microns on the range of wavelength, the overall range for radioactive heat. The optical scanner lightens the burden of scientists in measuring the radiation levels without putting the pyrometer up to the object, where it can endanger the person in charge to expose to radiation. Question 3 Draw the functional block diagram of Electrocardiography (ECG) machines and explain each in details. From the functional block diagram, answer the following: 1. What (electrically) is being measured? 2. How is the electrical signal capture? What is the sensor? How does it work? Draw a complete circuit to represent the functional block diagram What is ECG? An electrocardiogram or ECG is used to measure and analyzed electrical recording of the heart and even used to investigate heart disease. British physiologist Augustus D. Waller is the creator of electrocardiography and published the first human electrocardiogram in the year 1887. Dutch physiologist Willem Einthoven, who transformed this inquisitive physiologic phenomenon into a crucial clinical recording device, was awarded a Nobel prize in medicine. Block diagram of ECG When the heart depolarizes, its suitable (and quite precise) to denote the electrical activity as a dipole which a vector between two point charges. A vector has both a size (magnitude), and a direction. The potential diverges around the volume conductor. This applies to all intra-cardiac events, so the vector (or axis) for P waves, the QRS complex, T waves, and so on. The electrocardiogram, or ECG is a surface measurement of the electrical potential produced by electrical action in cardiac tissue. Current flow in ion form and signals shrinkage of cardiac muscle fibers foremost to the hearts pumping activity. The human heart can also be considered as a large muscle where the beating is just contraction of muscles. Consequently contractions of the heart create a potential. The measurement of the potential created by cardiac muscle is called as electrocardiology. Types of electric is being measured a) Bipolar leads: The position point located on one limb, the `sensing electrode can be on another limb. The leads are mark as I, II, and III. b) Unipolar leads: The position point located in some leads that joined together, and the sensing lead is located on one limb. These leads are predictably increased, in that the position lead on the limb sensed is disconnected from the other two. c) The V leads : The position where lengthen across the precordium, V1 in the fourth right interspace, V2 4th left, V4 at the apex (5th interspace, midclavicular line), V3 halfway in between V2 and V4, and V5 V6 in the 5th interspace at the anterior and mid axillary lines correspondingly. These electrode leads are usually connected to potential differences devices between selected electrodes to create the specific ECG tracings. Majority of the ECG leads are bipolar leads (e.g., standard limb leads) that apply a single positive and a single negative electrode amongst which electrical potentials are measured. Unipolar leads (augmented leads and chest leads) consist os single positive recording electrode and apply a blend of the other electrodes to assist as a merged negative electrode. Typically, once an ECG is recorded, all leads are recorded instantaneously, normally called as 12-lead ECG. How is the electrical signal capture? What is the sensor? How does it work? Cardiac electrical potential wave forms (voltages created through the heart as its chambers contract) are measured by the PASCO CI-6539A EKG (Electrocardiogram) Sensor. The sensor contains of the electronics box by a cable for connecting to the PASCO computer interface through a five pin DIN analog connector. 3 electrode leads pass in the electronics box on the side opposite the cable that assigns to the interface. The sensor signal is conveyed from side to side an opto-isloation circuit. An isolation transformer is used to transfer the sensors power. Question 5 Explain in detail idea of industrial voltage to frequency converters and frequency to voltage converters using an operational amplifier. Voltage to frequency converter The voltage-to-frequency converter is a converter which delivers an output frequency precisely relative to its input voltage. The digital open-collector frequency output is well-matched through all mutual logic families. Its adding input features give the VFC32 outstanding noise resistance and small nonlinearity. Complete output frequency is determined by an exterior capacitor and resistor. Open-collector logic output is gain from the frequency output terminal. A pull-up resistor is typically connected to a 5V logic supply to generate normal logic-level pulses. Though, it connected to some power supply (+VCC). Production pulses obligate a continuous period and positive-going throughout the oneshot period. Current flowing in the open-collector output transistor proceeds by the common terminal. The terminal must be linked to logic ground. Frequency to voltage conversion The capacitive-coupled response network C3, R6 and R7 let typical 5V logic levels to activate the comparator input. The comparator causes the one-shot on the dropping control of the frequency input pulses. Beginning voltage of the comparator is about -0.7V. 5V logic levels having less waveform for frequency input, the comparator is activated by regulating the voltage divider of R6/R7 to a lower voltage. C2 smoothens the output voltage waveform. Greater values of C2 decrease the wrinkle in the output voltage. Lesser values of C2 let the output voltage to resolve quicker in response to a modification in input frequency. Resistor R1 can be pared to attain the preferred output voltage at the complete input frequency. The signal response current is equivalent to VIN/R1. This current is combined by response op amp and C2, creating a descending ramping integrator output voltage. Once the integrator output slopes to the verge of the comparator, the one-shot is activated. The 1mA reference cu rrent is swapped to the integrator input throughout the one-shot length, producing the integrator production ramp rising. Subsequently the one-shot period, the integrator again ramps descending. The fluctuation procedure forces a long-term stability of charge (or average current) between the input signal current and the reference current. Question 6 Describe the purpose and basic operation principle of differential pressure flow meters. Differentiate between orifice plate, venturi, nozzle and pitot tube. Differential pressure flow meters It is the control of fluid flow rate by interpretation the pressure loss thru a pipe restriction is possibly the greatest where usually used flow measurement method in industrialized uses (Figure 2-1). The descent of pressure created by a extensive variability of geometrical restrictions have been well considered over the years. These primary or head flow elements originate in a extensive diversity of configurations, all with exact application assets and flaws. Differences on the refrain of differential pressure (d/p) flow measurement Orifice plates In clean liquid, gas, and steam service, orifice plates are generally used. It is obtainable for entirely pipe sizes, very economical for gauging flows in bigger pipes (over 6 diameter). Numerous standards organizations permitted the orifice plates as is used for the supervision the transfer of liquids and gases. The orifice flow calculations used today still fluctuate from each other, though the numerous standards organizations are operational to accept a solitary, generally accepted orifice flow calculation. User can select the flow equation thru orifice sizing program. Even though it is a modest device, the orifice plate can be considered as a precision instrument. Orifice plates are fairly sensitive to a change of error-inducing situations. Precision in the drag controls, the excellence of the connection, and the state of the plate itself regulate the routine. Installation influences embrace tap position and state, form of the process pipe, capability of straight pipe innings, ga sket intrusion, misalignment of pipe and orifice drags, and lead line design. Other adverse conditions comprise the corrosion or erosion of the pipes, dirt, and grease or secondary phase deposits on either orifice surface. Venture tube The venturi tubes is quite expensive, so they are mainly used for greater flows or on further tough or difficult flow applications. Venturis are not sensitive to velocity outline properties and consequently need fewer straight pipe run than an orifice. The character of scrubbing act of the flow through the tube creates the device resistant to corrosion, erosion, and interior scale build up. Due to high initial cost, the owner still is promising as the savings in fitting and functioning and maintenance costs. Flow element is long which considered by a narrowing inlet and a deviating outlet. The entrance is used to determine the inlet pressure, while the throat section is to measure the static pressure. The pressure taps nourish into a joint annular chamber, as long as an average pressure analysis over the whole perimeter of the element. The venturi is partial in its use to clean, non-corrosive liquids and gases. The great instability and the absence of holes in which material can gath er create flow tubes well suitable for slurry and mud services. But, maintenance costs can be high if air removal cant stop persisting of the pressure taps and lead lines. Plunger-like devices (vent cleaners) can be connected to occasionally eliminate accumulation from interior openings, even though the meter is online. Flow nozzle The flow nozzle can be said it is more stable than the orifice plate, mainly in greater or higher temperature and higher velocity services as compared to orifice plates. It used to determine high flow rates of superheated vapor. The flow nozzle also having a better flow capacity than the orifice plate and needs a lesser first investment than a venturi tube, but also delivers lesser pressure recovery. A main disadvantage of the nozzle is that it is harder to change than the orifice except it can be detached as part of a spool unit. Flow nozzles preserve their accuracy for long periods, even in tough service. Flow nozzles can be very accurate way to determine gas flows. As soon as the gas velocity influences the speed of sound in the throat, the velocity cant surge any more and a overcome flow condition is extended. Pitot Tubes Pitot tube is one of the simple in design flow sensors where it is used to measure varied range of flow measurement applications. Normally, it is used in air speed in racing cars and air force fighter jets. Pitot tubes also used to analyze air flow in pipes, ducts, and stacks, and liquid flow in pipes, weirs, and open channels in industrial applications. The accuracy and range capability are moderately low, while pitot tubes are modest, dependable, low-cost, and suitable for a diversity of environmental situations, plus tremendously high temperatures and a wide range of pressures.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Oregon Trail :: essays research papers fc

CROSSING THE Great Plains The Oregon Trail was an overland emigrant route in the United States from the Missouri River to the Columbia River country, was the way to travel back in the 1840’s through the 1860’s. In 1843 the "Great Emigration" began and the west would never be the same after the out set of the travelers. The pioneers by wagon train did not, however, follow any single narrow route. In open country the different trains might spread out over a large area, only to converge again for river crossings, mountain passes. In time many alternate routes also developed. They originated at various places on the Missouri, although Independence were favorite starting points, the routes taken along with the wagon trails are the key points in which made it possible to travel west. Those starting from Independence followed the same route as the Santa Fe Trail for some 40 miles, then traveled to the Platte and generally followed that river to the North Platte and t hen the South Platte. Crossing the South Platte, the main trail followed the North Platte to Fort Laramie, then to the present Casper, Wyo. and through the mountains by the South Pass to the Colorado River. The travelers then went to Fort Bridger, from which the Mormon Trail continued to the Great Salt Lake, while the Oregon Trail went northwest across a divide to Fort Hall, on the Snake River. The California Trail branched off to the southwest, but the Oregon Trail continued to Fort Boise. From that point the travelers had to make the hard climb over the Blue Mountains. Once those were crossed, paths diverged somewhat; many went to Fort Walla Walla before proceeding down the south bank of the Columbia River, traversing the Columbia's gorge where it passes through the Cascade Mountains to the Willamette Valley, where the early settlement centered. The end of the trail shifted as settlement spread. The mountain men were chiefly responsible for making the route known, and Thomas Fitzp atrick and James Bridger were renowned as guides. The first genuine emigrant train was that led by John Bidwell in 1841, half of which went to California, the rest proceeding from Fort Hall to Oregon. The first train of emigrants to reach Oregon was that led by Elijah White in 1842. In 1843 occurred the "Great Emigration" of more than 900 persons and more than 1,000 head of stock.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Bill Clinton and Whitewater/ Monica Lewinsky :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The â€Å"Whitewater† scandal was a real estate scheme by the White Water Development Corp. Both President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton were involved in the scandal to make a land deal. Many people were involved in the scheme, which was held in the 1980s in Arkansas. Bill Clinton and his wife maintained their funds by the support of the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, which represented the Clintons in the overthrow of their Whitewater shares. The Clintons were being investigated when there were improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Clintons denied any wrongdoing and that they never had lost money on the Whitewater scheme. In 1994, Counsel Kenneth Starr investigated the wrongdoings by Clinton and his wife. The Clintons were also charged of perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power, but Starr wasn’t able to prove it. In the Whitewater affair the Clintons were investigated on videotapes of their testimonies. In a 1996 trial, the Mc Douglas and Jim Tucker (Clintons successors as governor of Arkansas) were found guilty of fraud. Also David Hale pled guilty to fraud and was a witness of the McDougal, which he received a jail sentence. The Clintons were not found guilty, but Hillary Clinton was charge of damaging information and accused President Clinton administration of lying under oath. Starr’s job was to expand the investigations of President Clinton and his administration because he wasn’t able to prove them guilty. Starr became successful in January 1998, when he suspected President Clinton role in a sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky. The Lewinsky scandal was when President Clinton denied any sexual involvement with Lewinsky. When the Lewinsky scandal was brought to the public, Paula Corbin Jones claimed that President Clinton had sexually hostile her in 1991. At that time President Clinton was governor of Arkansas and he had a lawsuit of sexual harassment. After the case many women accused President Clinton of having relations with him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lewinsky was an unpaid intern and later became a paid staffer at the White House. In the beginning of the case, Monica Lewinsky did deny having sexual relations with the President. Starr then found tape recordings of telephone conversations of Lewinsky describing her relationship with the president. Clinton tried to cover up the affair by having his advisor Vernon Jordan to have Lewinsky lie or having a job outside Washington.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

High School Athletes Should Not Turn Pro Essay -- Professional Sports

High School Athletes Should Not Turn Pro Lebron James and Freddy Adu are both young athletes and with millions in their pockets with a countless number of endorsement contracts. Whether it is high school athletes skipping college and discontinuing the development of their education for millions of dollars, or teenagers signing contracts with businesses for massive amounts of money, youth sports programs are changing rapidly. However, American high school athletes are not financially, physically, or mentally prepared to tackle and endure the pressures of professional sports. Society today allows fourteen to eighteen-year-old athletes to make millions of dollars and eventually become stars. From Lebron James, signing with Nike for ninety million dollars before even stepping on the court, to Freddy Adu, signing with Major League Soccer to be the youngest professional to ever sign a contract in United States history, teenagers of today are changing. Freddy Adu is the youngest player on a major league team since Fred Chapman was fourteen years old and played baseball for Philadelphia in 1887. Adu, born in Ghana, signed with the MLS to play for D.C. United in 2003. He and his family moved to Potomac, Maryland in 1997 and he eventually became a United States citizen in 2002. He signed with Nike for one million dollars in 2000, becoming the youngest professional to sign an endorsement deal with Nike. Greg Couch, a writer for the Sun Times states, ?Are we ready for this? Because if Freddy Adu makes it big, then the battle to save little things like fun and imagi nation in youth sports is gone.? He is absolutely right. What happened to the main reason to play sports- have fun? These young children won?t understand fun after being demanded, day in and day out, from the most rigorous coaches to perform to a level they have not been exposed to yet. They haven?t been exposed to that level because they skipped the most important part of their life and career, and that is college. In rare cases, there?s one athlete that comes along and is very special. Sappenfield of The Christian Science Monitor says, ?In some instances, they are truly unique athletes. In others, they are simply the products of a new and hyper-competitive youth-sports system, lured to big-time athletics by bad advice and the prospect of outlandish wealth and rock star glory? (Sappenfield 1). Ki... ...n education and should get one before stepping out into the real world and being thrown into an atmosphere of fame, glory, and money. An atmosphere a teenager is not ready for. Works Cited Bae, Isamu. High School Athletes Should Go To College, Not The Pro Level. 1 June 2004. Silver Chips Online. 22 April 2005 . Carter, A. CinQue. Athletes Should Stay In School Before Relying On False Dreams. 29 Oct 1998. Daily Bruin. 22 April 2005 . Couch, Greg. And The No. 1 Reason Not To Turn Pro At 14?. 20 Nov. 2003. Chicago Sun-Times. 10 Apr. 2005 . Keller, Mandy. Bylaw Article 12: Amateurism. July 2003. The National Collegiate Athletic Association. 9 Apr. 2005 . Ryan, Joan. Little Girls in Pretty Boxes. New York. Warner Books. 1 Aug 2000. Sappenfield, Mark. Young, Gifted, and Rich- Behind the Sudden Rise of Teen Sports Superstars. 1 Dec. 2003. The Christian Science Monitor. 9 Apr. 2005 . Satterfield, Kathryn R. Ready For The Big League. Vol. 9 No. 8. 7 Nov. 2003. Time For Kids. 9 Apr. 2005 . Going Pro Early. A Game-Official Website of Smart Athletics. 9 Apr. 2005 . Head to Head. 9 Apr. 2005 . Your Take: Freddy Adu. 20 Nov. 2003. ESPN Soccernet. 10 Apr. 2005 . High School Athletes Should Not Turn Pro Essay -- Professional Sports High School Athletes Should Not Turn Pro Lebron James and Freddy Adu are both young athletes and with millions in their pockets with a countless number of endorsement contracts. Whether it is high school athletes skipping college and discontinuing the development of their education for millions of dollars, or teenagers signing contracts with businesses for massive amounts of money, youth sports programs are changing rapidly. However, American high school athletes are not financially, physically, or mentally prepared to tackle and endure the pressures of professional sports. Society today allows fourteen to eighteen-year-old athletes to make millions of dollars and eventually become stars. From Lebron James, signing with Nike for ninety million dollars before even stepping on the court, to Freddy Adu, signing with Major League Soccer to be the youngest professional to ever sign a contract in United States history, teenagers of today are changing. Freddy Adu is the youngest player on a major league team since Fred Chapman was fourteen years old and played baseball for Philadelphia in 1887. Adu, born in Ghana, signed with the MLS to play for D.C. United in 2003. He and his family moved to Potomac, Maryland in 1997 and he eventually became a United States citizen in 2002. He signed with Nike for one million dollars in 2000, becoming the youngest professional to sign an endorsement deal with Nike. Greg Couch, a writer for the Sun Times states, ?Are we ready for this? Because if Freddy Adu makes it big, then the battle to save little things like fun and imagi nation in youth sports is gone.? He is absolutely right. What happened to the main reason to play sports- have fun? These young children won?t understand fun after being demanded, day in and day out, from the most rigorous coaches to perform to a level they have not been exposed to yet. They haven?t been exposed to that level because they skipped the most important part of their life and career, and that is college. In rare cases, there?s one athlete that comes along and is very special. Sappenfield of The Christian Science Monitor says, ?In some instances, they are truly unique athletes. In others, they are simply the products of a new and hyper-competitive youth-sports system, lured to big-time athletics by bad advice and the prospect of outlandish wealth and rock star glory? (Sappenfield 1). Ki... ...n education and should get one before stepping out into the real world and being thrown into an atmosphere of fame, glory, and money. An atmosphere a teenager is not ready for. Works Cited Bae, Isamu. High School Athletes Should Go To College, Not The Pro Level. 1 June 2004. Silver Chips Online. 22 April 2005 . Carter, A. CinQue. Athletes Should Stay In School Before Relying On False Dreams. 29 Oct 1998. Daily Bruin. 22 April 2005 . Couch, Greg. And The No. 1 Reason Not To Turn Pro At 14?. 20 Nov. 2003. Chicago Sun-Times. 10 Apr. 2005 . Keller, Mandy. Bylaw Article 12: Amateurism. July 2003. The National Collegiate Athletic Association. 9 Apr. 2005 . Ryan, Joan. Little Girls in Pretty Boxes. New York. Warner Books. 1 Aug 2000. Sappenfield, Mark. Young, Gifted, and Rich- Behind the Sudden Rise of Teen Sports Superstars. 1 Dec. 2003. The Christian Science Monitor. 9 Apr. 2005 . Satterfield, Kathryn R. Ready For The Big League. Vol. 9 No. 8. 7 Nov. 2003. Time For Kids. 9 Apr. 2005 . Going Pro Early. A Game-Official Website of Smart Athletics. 9 Apr. 2005 . Head to Head. 9 Apr. 2005 . Your Take: Freddy Adu. 20 Nov. 2003. ESPN Soccernet. 10 Apr. 2005 .

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Autobiography: My inspiration

Inspirations come from many avenues. My inspiration came when I was 16 years old in the form of a 3 pound baby boy measuring the length of a ruler. Being a young adolescent myself, this was a very trying time for me. My son was born almost three months early and could very easily have not survived. The birth of my first child is what changed my life forever and shaped me into the person I am today. At the age of seventeen I was attending high school, being a mother to my son, and working away from home as a waitress; all the while missing my little boy beyond words.I knew right then what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to watch my son grow. I wanted to not only be his mother but also his teacher. As my life moved forward my family grew. I was lucky enough to have the privilege to stay at home with my children. During this time I decided that caring for children and helping them grow was what I wanted to do. I started doing child care for a few of my friend’s children and absolutely fell in love with it. This is what I have always done and is something that has always come completely natural to me.Being responsible for a child’s growth while watching them learn and mature right before my eyes is an amazing feeling and a blessing. My children are now all in school full time which has me feeling ready to share the passion I have in caring for, nurturing, and teaching children with others. After I complete my CDA coursework my goal is to become a preschool teacher. I feel with current education with child development and the love I have for watching children’s developmental growth this will be a great future for me.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Crimes: Crime and Robert K. Merton Essay

Many researchers agree that, in the United States, most arrests for street crime involve people of lower class position. Why, according to Robert K. Merton, Albert Cohen, Walter Miller, and Elijah Anderson, would this be the case? How would a broader definition of crime (to include more white collar and corporate offenses) change the profile of the typical criminal? Robert Merton, Albert Colman, Walter Miller, and Elijah Anderson all agree that people of lower class commit most street crimes, because they are limited in their means to achieve their cultural goal of financial success. They lack proper schooling parental guidance and job opportunities that are available in upper class societies. Therefore, they cannot conform to the conventional means by which to achieve the Cultural goal of getting rich so they use unconventional means, Selling drugs and thievery, which means jail time. Albert Cohen who was a student of Merton believes that in many urban cities youths create sub-cultures. Groups of youths that is determined by who is feared more on the streets. They are delinquents who act out on impulse and do not think of what consequences there actions will bring and who are only loyal to themselves. Walter Miller lends into the theory of delinquency by defining it as having a need for excitement and a search for thrills. These ties in to Elijah Anderson who believes that jail is very likely for youths that adopt a Street Code which means to stand up and be able to take care of ones self by any means necessary. A broader definition of crime to include more white-collar and corporate offences will not change the profile of the typical criminal because society has a wide range of definitions for the behavior and actions of criminals. The definitions of crimes however should include the Social Status of a person and or group with legitimate reasons or circumstances for committing that crime.